Every strategic discussion in our office more often than not, includes a reference to the use of natural refrigerants. We all know that we have an obligation to guide and direct our customers towards what is right. And ensure we can direct them on right thing by our planet and the sustainable future of resources. We are aware that we can’t let our “ego” or the “fear” of something new affect our judgement. Transcritical is not a dirty word.
The Process
To look at embracing natural, we first understood that we needed to change mindsets before we could change behaviors. And now in the midst of that process we have turned our focus to coaching and training.
The Challenge
We definitely see that some of the biggest “natural” challenges in our industry are a lack of training and the willingness of some people to accept something different. At Coolphase, it is our continued focus to train and to prepare our people for what’s to come. Our sector of the industry “Supermarket Refrigeration” has seen a decline in the employment of apprentices; so, the next generation of support will not there when the current ageing collective of fridgies retires. Not an ideal situation when we are about to enter our biggest period of change since the phase out of CFC’s.
And wow, when it comes to difference, there is a huge level of inherent misery and negativity in the Australian refrigeration industry, and the miserable hate change! We need to change minds and perceptions, then we can change behaviors and acceptance, we then need to coach.
The Future
As a contractor completing work for major retailers in Queensland we have been limited by the lack of “transcritical” and “full natural system” acceptance. However, with updates to technology and the continued promotion of all things non-synthetic, that should (hopefully) change soon.
If you’re interested in the changing future of natural refrigerants, join us for ATMOsphere Australia in May. For more information visit their event page.